Researchers of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa participate in the organization of the 7th international conference on new business models
Researchers of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa participate in the organization of the 7th international conference on new business models
Researchers of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa participate in the organization of the 7th international conference on new business models
The event will take place in Rome and online on 22-24 of June 2022. Submissions deadline ends on February 1st.
The Innovation-Management-Organization research group of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa will participate for the second consecutive year in the 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NEW BUSINESS MODELS (NBM) that will take place in Rome and online on 22-24 of June 2022.
NBM Conferences facilitate inter- and transdisciplinary research on new business models contributing to sustainable development. This year the title of the conference is Sustainable Business Models Challenges: Economic Recovery and Digital Transformation.
The hosting organization is the Italian LUMSA University and a special track on “New Business Models in Times of Crisis” is managed by the researchers of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa: Dorleta Ibarra Zuluaga, Urtzi Uribetxebarria Andres and Leire Markuerkiaga Arritola.
The conference will address four themes and 17 tracks exploring sustainable business models from a multilevel perspective, several Keynote speakers and a doctoral colloquium (22 June).
The deadline for submitting extended abstract or papers is by February 1st. Further submission guidelines and information are available on the conference website: constantly updated.