Basque Government and Mondragon Unibertsitatea present nine proposals for commercial innovation within the Market Berri program


Basque Government and Mondragon Unibertsitatea present nine proposals for commercial innovation within the Market Berri program

Market Berri program

Basque Government and Mondragon Unibertsitatea present nine proposals for commercial innovation within the Market Berri program

The Market Berri program to promote commercial innovation in companies in the Basque Country is coming to an end



The initiative, launched by Mondragon Unibertsitatea, through the Mondragon Team Academy, and backed by the Department of Tourism, Trade and Consumer Affairs, ends with the presentation of a total of nine entrepreneurial initiatives that have received mentoring and advice during these months to develop their ideas. The event, which was held in Oñati, was attended by the Dean of the Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Lander Beloki, and the Director of Trade of the Basque Government, Elena Moreno.

The development of the program arose from the need to promote innovation, the creation of companies and the development of entrepreneurial teams both at European and world level. To this end, during these months the Market Berri initiative has been made available to students in order to boost the competitiveness and international projection of Basque companies.



Selected projects

The nine selected projects have been developed by 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students of the LEINN (Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Innovation) degree from the Oñati, Irun and Bilbao laboratories and all of them reflect a variety of innovative approaches to commerce. Among them, the following stand out:

1. "Image search engines" based on artificial intelligence, which facilitate the location of products in local stores from references found online.

2. "Application of the metaverse to commerce," creating new shopping experiences in virtual environments.

3. "Sustainability and environmental awareness", organizing events and contests with the co-creation of various agents to generate environmental impact and awareness.

4. "Digital transformation of stores", through the use of avatars that facilitate interaction between customers and stores.

5. "Digital accompaniment platforms", which make the offer of local commerce accessible in an easy and understandable way.

6. "Rider services for local shopping", facilitating access to local products for senior citizens, dependents and other users.

7. "Creation of leisure experiences in stores", solving challenges related to the history of local commerce and the town.

8. "Generational change in business", matching merchants who wish to transfer their business due to retirement with young entrepreneurs.

9. "Gamification of shopping experiences", offering a new way of interacting with the store through dynamics inspired by movies.