Gipuzkoa is at the forefront of Europe regarding the participation of workers in the profits and capital of the company


Gipuzkoa is at the forefront of Europe regarding the participation of workers in the profits and capital of the company


Gipuzkoa is at the forefront of Europe regarding the participation of workers in the profits and capital of the company

According to the observatory on the participation of people in the company that Mondragon University has prepared for the project Etorkizuna Eraikiz of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa.



The Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and Mondragon University have presented today the Observatory of the Participation of working people and a book that gathers the conclusions of a study of the situation in Gipuzkoa regarding the participation of people in the company, which also includes a comparison with rest of Europe.

Both the Observatory of the Participation of the workers in the companies and the book of conclusions have been carried out by a team of researchers from Mondragon University for the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and are integrated into the Etorkizuna Eraikiz Foral Program, which through pilot experiences launches projects to boost the economic and social development of Gipuzkoa.

One of the working areas that is included in this program is the participation of people in companies, with the objective to analyze the consequences that each participation has in the well-being of the workers. In fact, the book shows evidences about the beneficial effects that participation in the company implies in people's well-being and their economic results. ‘Greater participation in the company is positively related to greater well-being of people and at the same time to greater economic performance of the organization,’ the book highlights.

The book collets the main conclusions deduced from the observatory, as well as arguments and practical examples for those public administrations and business organizations that want to articulate formulas for promoting people's participation.

The presentation was carried out on a conference at the Orona Ideo campus where in addition to having the participation of the General Deputy of Gipuzkoa, Markel Olano, and the Rector of Mondragon University, Vicente Atxa, we have had the presence of the team of researchers who have carried out the project. We have also had the opportunity to be with 3 of the companies that have participated in the study (GSR S.COOP., Talleres Altube SL and Soraluce S.Coop.) and with whom we have been able to share a round table about the themes that are collected both in the observatory and in the book.