Real Projects in Real Companies

Oficial Degree

Degree in Business Administration and Management by Mondragon Unibertsitatea


240 ETCS

4 years


Oñati, Bidasoa, Bilbao


Basque, Spanish, English


DUAL, On-site

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Real Projects in Real Companies


Real Projects in Real Companies

Todos nuestros alumnos realizarán una estancia a tiempo completo en empresa durante el último semestre del Grado. El objetivo es resolver un reto empresarial real, liderar un proyecto para resolverlo, proponer una solución e implementarla.


All our students do a full time stay in a company during the last semester of the programme. The goal is to solve a real business challenge, lead a project to solve it, propose a solution and implement it.

Experiencing a company with a practical focus is the primary goal we try to achieve in training our students. And that's the focus that makes this programme different. All students in the programme do a full time stay in a company lasting at least six months where they have to solve a specific problem or challenge and develop a project on site using the tools and methodologies learned during their studies with ongoing tutoring from the company mentor and the business school advisor.
We have collaboration agreements with more than 500 companies in and out of the Basque Country and a long track record with University-Company relations that's enabled us to create a robust collaboration network with all of them through research and development projects, participation in training programmes for professionals and more. And that's reflected by our ability to find high quality projects for our students.

Often times, the company stay during the end of degree project helps many students enter the labour market after graduation. The Business Administration and Management Degree has a 90% career placement rate.