
Oficial Degree

Degree in Business Administration and Management by Mondragon Unibertsitatea


240 ETCS

4 years


Oñati, Bidasoa, Bilbao


Basque, Spanish, English


DUAL, On-site

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You'll have an international experience. Do an internship or project with the International Experience Program and choose from more than 30 countries.


When we designed the new Business Administration and Management Degree programme our starting point was the qualifications of a future professional who can lead business transformation and be capable of carrying out projects with a global vision.

Along these lines, a large part of the programme is practical and applied experience in real companies through the dual education programme. Additionally, it addresses the need of future business managers and consultants to have an international vision and know how to interact with people from different cultures in a business environment. A wide range of options for foreign travel and experience has been designed in order to foster international experience.
That's why in the Mondragon Unibertsitatea Business Administration Degree programme all the students have an international experience where they can be a part of an academic institution in a different country, experience new learning methods and become acquainted with the social, business and cultural realities of another country, in addition to improving their foreign language skills.

Because of the collaboration agreements we've signed with universities and institutions in Europe, Latin America and Asia, our students have the opportunity to enjoy an international experience.

There are two programmes offered by the university for foreign experiences, the International Experience Programme and the Atzerrian Ikasi programme, that have the following options.

  • Academic stays in a foreign university.
  • Specialised internships in foreign companies and institutions.
  • End of degree project abroad.