Build your own Learning Ecosystem

Oficial Degree

Degree in Business Administration and Management by Mondragon Unibertsitatea


240 ETCS

4 years


Oñati, Bidasoa, Bilbao


Basque, Spanish, English


DUAL, On-site

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Build your own Learning Ecosystem


Build your own Learning Ecosystem

Build your own learning ecosystem in one of the more than 500 companies we have collaboration agreements with. We design a learning curve in the company for every one of our students. Every student has a company mentor and an advisor from the business school during the entire programme.


The Business Administration and Management Degree at Mondragon University is a pioneer in providing sandwich training in the field of business management in Spain. Knowledge of the real business world that we gain from being part of one of the most important business groups in Spain and the Basque Country is the basis for implementing this programme, which is eminently practical and geared towards having learning occur in a company, which is the place where the future professional is going to spend their career.

The degree in Business Administration and Management is the outcome of a combined analysis done in more than 50 companies. The Master's is an innovative education because the design of its content comes out of an analysis of the qualifications of the people we want to train, who are professionals of the future capable of leading the transformation of organisations and promoting new projects that take on the new competitive challenges that globalisation and the markets are demanding.

Our students are part of a company from the first to the fourth year so they can acquire a set of skills and abilities that would be hard to gain in a classroom such as initiative, pro-activeness, adaptability, autonomy, self-confidence, working on a team, stress tolerance and more.

At the beginning of the programme, a study is done of every student's background in order to design a learning curve in the company that matches their strengths but also lets them progressively develop areas where they need to improve. All of that is coordinated during the entire programme through monitoring done by the company mentor and the business school advisor.