The Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea through Mondragon Team Academy has actively participated in the New Leadership Models week led by WITH


The Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea through Mondragon Team Academy has actively participated in the New Leadership Models week led by WITH


The Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea through Mondragon Team Academy has actively participated in the New Leadership Models week led by WITH

WITH is an ecosystem of women leaders and managers whose purpose is to promote new models of leadership, inclusive




WITH is an ecosystem of women leaders and managers whose purpose is to promote new models of leadership, inclusive, authentic, connected and adapted to today's environment; and that transcend the gender issue. WITH drives this purpose through a new way of connecting, thinking and doing. The 250 women who make up WITH believe in a world where diverse, empathetic and responsible leadership prevails. Through mutual support and connection, our ecosystem promotes more inclusive and connected environments for the good of all.

Since Monday, May 20, the capital of Bizkaia has been the stage for reflection on new forms of leadership in areas such as business, innovation, entrepreneurship, technology, social networks and sports. More than ten events have completed an ambitious program of meetings, debates and talks that connect actors from the business, academic, social and institutional world.

Among the organizations that have been part of it are Basque public administrations such as the Basque Government, the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and the City Council of Bilbao; the universities of Deusto, UPV/EHU and Mondragon Unibertsitatea; public bodies such as Enisa or ICEX, as well as Innobasque, Innolab Bilbao, the Business Confederation of Bizkaia (CEBEK) or the Association of Businesswomen and Executives of Bizkaia (ADE) among other entities.

Mondragon Team Academy has collaborated in different moments of this adventure since the opening event, as well as in specific events such as the one called “Collaborate is Innovate” as well as in the awards ceremony of the WITH Gala. The 2nd edition of the WITH Gala was held on Thursday night at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, in an event that served to recognize and highlight impact leaders from different sectors, ranging from sports to innovation, sustainability and entrepreneurship. The need to generate references, with successful trajectories in the professional world, was one of the connecting points of the speeches of the women who were recognized, who insisted on the need to serve as an inspiration to the new generations.


On May 22 was led by Mondragon Team Academy, a morning that brought together more than 100 young women entrepreneurs who shared their experience of how they learned to lead beyond theories by carrying out their projects, from the trenches, learning from doing how the LEINN (Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Innovation) degree is done. 17 young women entrepreneurs connected from Bilbao, Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia told their life stories to the new generations.

Their words can be listened to on a recorded version through the following link:

That same day the exhibition HEURA (Ivy) of the NGO Treball Solidari was inaugurated.  This entity accompanies women at risk of exclusion on their way to entrepreneurship. The visit was led by young entrepreneurs from LEINN, the entity told us the story of 17 women entrepreneurs.


Thank you Marisol Menéndez, CEO of Bilakatu, and her team composed by LEINNERS for believing that it is possible and giving light to this era of change in terms of leadership.

We also leave you an interview in Cadena Ser with Ziortza Olano Astigarraga, head of Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria and coach in the LEINN degree:

Women and men leaders, are there differences?