The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will host numerous activities for Euskaraldia
The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will host numerous activities for Euskaraldia
The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will host numerous activities for Euskaraldia
A number of recreational and academic events have been organized for November 21-25 on the Eskoriatza, Aretxabaleta and Bilbao AS Fabrik campuses. The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences is a designated Basque language space of the Euskaraldia social initiative for the Basque language.
On the occasion of the Euskaraldia initiative, which will be celebrated across the Basque Country from November 18 to December 2, a number of activities have been organized on the Eskoriatza, Aretxabaleta and Bilbao AS Fabrik campuses. On November 21-25, with support from the Faculty Basque Language Committee, various academic and recreational events will be held on the three campuses. The week was launched with the distribution of Euskaraldia badges. The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences is a designated Basque language space of the Euskaraldia initiative for the Basque language.
Eskoriatza campus. On November 21, musical bingo and linguistic Mus games were held. On the 22nd, a concert and a theater workshop were offered. The 23rd saw get-togethers, a workshop with storyteller Dorleta Kortazar and various games. On the 24th, there will be an open mic session, rural sports and a badminton championship. Finally, the 25th will offer a full program of activities, including debates, a flea market, dances, a meal, Basque free-style verse/rap, Basque karaoke, DJ sessions and a costume contest. In addition, the students were visited this week by children from the Arizmendi Basque School and the Luis Ezeiza school.
Aretxabaleta campus. On the 21st, the Bada Lab project was presented and the short film Nigandik was screened. On the 22nd, there was a concert at which live illustration was also offered. The week will end on the 25th with the Wikithon, the mass production of articles for Wikipedia.
AS Fabrik campus. In Bilbao, the events began on November 22. That day, writer Joseba Sarrionandia and Pello Reparaz, founder of musical group Zetak, were on campus, participating in an interview/debate. Following this, there were group gatherings, a meal and a performance of Basque dances. To wrap up the week, on the 24th, there will be a second round of debates that will end with a dance performance in the square.
The slogan chosen by Euskaraldia this year is Hitzez ekin garaia (Time to start talking). The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences serves as a designated Basque language space in this initiative for the Basque language; the Faculty is a Basque-speaking space that guarantees the possibility of speaking in Basque at all moments, both within the Faculty itself and in its relations with citizens.
Photo gallery of Euskaraldia: