The student Eneritz Cereza Bengoetxea obtained an EXCELLENT CUM LAUDE grade with mention International Doctorate


The student Eneritz Cereza Bengoetxea obtained an EXCELLENT CUM LAUDE grade with mention International Doctorate


The student Eneritz Cereza Bengoetxea obtained an EXCELLENT CUM LAUDE grade with mention International Doctorate



  • Thesis title: Digital-Twin of the Easy-Open-End for the manufacture and opening prediction


  • Presidency: Carpóforo Vallellano Martín (Universidad de Sevilla)
  • Vocal: Miguel Costas Piñó (Norwegian University of Sience and Technology)
  • Vocal: Eneko Saenz de Argandoña Fernandez de Gorostiza (Mondragon Unibertsitatea)
  • Vocal: Jokin Lozares Abasolo (Universidad de Deusto)
  • Secretary:Borja Erice Echavarri (Mondragon Unibertsitatea)


The urgency of environmental concerns drives a crucial need for raw material reduction across industries, particularly evident in the metallic packaging sector characterized by large-scale production and closed lifecycle products. In Spain alone, metallic can consumption reached 8.6 billion units in 2019, with an estimated annual growth rate of 2.7%. Decreasing material mass per product not only reduces environmental impact but also enhances industry competitiveness through cost savings. This project focuses on analyzing technical aspects of metallic can manufacturing and performance to optimize process and product design, aiming to develop a Digital Twin capable of predicting the manufacturing and performance of metallic Easy-Open-Ends, thus facilitating sustainable material usage in the industry. Two meticulously selected designs—one tinplate and the other aluminum alloy—underwent thorough analysis, including manufacturing process examination and benchmark testing for validation. Numerical analysis was then employed to investigate the materials used, with various tests conducted to assess performance, ultimately concluding that the developed Digital Twin is a valid tool for optimizing EOE design.