Entrepreneurs of the LEINN degree at Mondragon Unibertsitatea Propose the Creation of a Wellness Forum to Promote EPSVs


Entrepreneurs of the LEINN degree at Mondragon Unibertsitatea Propose the Creation of a Wellness Forum to Promote EPSVs


Entrepreneurs of the LEINN degree at Mondragon Unibertsitatea Propose the Creation of a Wellness Forum to Promote EPSVs

A team of students/entrepreneurs from Mondragon Unibertsitatea's LEINN (Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation) degree have presented an innovative proposal to create a Wellness Forum



A team of students/entrepreneurs from Mondragon Unibertsitatea's LEINN (Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation) degree have presented an innovative proposal to create a Wellness Forum. This initiative was developed as part of the III Hack&Disrupt! International Fintech Meeting, in which they were winners. The proposal seeks to increase the knowledge and visibility of Voluntary Welfare Entities (EPSV).

A Project with Institutional Support

The Welfare Forum is a response to the challenge of promoting EPSVs, sponsored by the Basque Government, the City Council of Bilbao, the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, the BBK Foundation and Bilbao Plaza Financiera. The initiative aims to build a collaborative ecosystem that includes corporations, startups, public administrations and entrepreneurs. This environment seeks to foster innovation in the financial sector and position the Basque Country as a benchmark in financial technology.

A Path of Collaboration and Knowledge

The solution presented is the result of months of work and collaboration. Since January, the student team conducted sectoral interviews to better understand the importance and impact of EPSVs, whose assets in the Basque Country amount to 28,894 million euros, equivalent to 31.65% of the Basque GDP. These interviews provided a comprehensive view that helped the team develop a solid and relevant proposal.

The Proposal: Welfare Forum

The Welfare Forum focuses on the development of the second pillar of pensions (occupational pension plans). This forum would include the participation of unions, employers and other key stakeholders, with the objective of making EPSVs visible and strengthening them. The initiative aims to improve the quality of life in retirement, especially for generations born after 1990.

Support and Recognition

The final presentation of the project was attended by leading figures from the Basque Government, such as the Director of Financial Policy, Arantza Larrauri, and other representatives of the financial sector and EPSVs. This institutional backing underlines the importance of the proposal and its potential impact on society.


The Welfare Forum proposal by Mondragon Unibertsitatea students is an inspiring example of how collaboration between young entrepreneurs, public and private institutions can generate innovative and beneficial solutions for society. Such initiatives not only promote awareness and visibility of EPSVs, but also foster the creation of a more robust and future-proof financial ecosystem.