DBZ launches ELKARDESIGN III project
DBZ launches ELKARDESIGN III project
DBZ launches ELKARDESIGN III project
The third edition of ELKARDESIGN project aims to generate models to embed Strategic Design in the companies of Gipuzkoa
Mondragon Unibertsitatea’s Diseinu Berrikuntza Zentroa (DBZ) launches the ELKARDESIGN III project, Participatory Strategic Design for the strengthening of the Organizations in Gipuzkoa. The project is founded by the Department of Economic Development, Tourism and the Rural Environment of Gipuzkoa Provincial Council.
ELKARDESIGN III project aims to generate models to embed Strategic Design in organizations of Gipuzkoa as a source of innovation and competitive advantage. Six Gipuzkoan companies will participate in the project: Alfa Hogar, ULMA Construction, Logikaline, Galbaian, Ausolan and Laboral Kutxa. DBZ will help the six organizations to acquire knowledge and develop new services based on Strategic Design, an approach for innovation that relies on the participation of users to boost the service quality and the customer experience.
Then, DBZ will generate models for embedding and practicing Strategic Design in organizations, grounded in the practical experimentations. In addition, DBZ will measure the impact of Strategic Design in each case study through a measurement model developed and tested in previous editions of the project.
If you are interested in ELKARDESIGN project or you would like to obtain the handbook for embedding Strategic Design in the organizations of Gipuzkoa, visit the following link: