Ecodigital Industrial Transformation


Ecodigital Industrial Transformation


Ecodigital Industrial Transformation

MIK, Research Center in Business Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Mondragon Corporation attached to the Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, participates in the EDIT project, led by Bidasoa activa



MIK, Research Center in Business Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Mondragon Corporation attached to the Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, participates in the EDIT project, led by Bidasoa activa. The project consists of accompanying companies, especially SMEs, and providing them with the necessary tools for the transformation process aimed at implementing the PDP (Product Digital Passport), which allows them to comply with regulations, increase the competitiveness of the territory and strengthen cross-border regional value chains.

It is 65% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg V-A Spain-France-Andorra Program (POCTEFA 2021-2027). The objective of the European POCTEFA program is to strengthen the economic and social integration of the Spain-France-Andorra border area. Its support focuses on the development of cross-border economic, social and environmental activities through joint strategies in favor of sustainable territorial development.

The reality of the current socio-economic context makes it difficult for companies to respond individually to the challenges they face. Improving the competitiveness of organizations, strengthening their market positioning, integrating new technologies and innovation in the value proposition, among other aspects, will require collaboration with other organizations. The EU is working on a proposal that establishes a framework of eco-design requirements for specific categories of products, with the aim of improving their circularity, energy efficiency and other aspects of environmental sustainability. The Product Digital Passport (PDP) then becomes a solid tool to foster transparency and enable circularity as it offers companies a simple way to track their products from production to end-of-life, allowing them to improve efficiency in the management of their products and services. Consequently, this project focuses on the keys to the competitive transformation process to which companies are called in terms of the double transition: digital and green from the perspective of collaboration.

From there, the competencies that organizations must acquire and develop to address this process of change, and in the definition of their own strategic deployment, will be studied in depth. During the project, it is expected to reach and train more than 100 companies in the PDP, accompany 30 companies in the development of their roadmap for the implementation of the PDP in their organization and initiate the implementation of the PDP in the 2 member companies of the consortium that will serve as an example for other companies. This project will focus on the value chains of the textile, furniture and agricultural sectors in the territories of the Basque Country, Pyrenees-Atlantiques and Navarra and will lay the foundations and methodologies to be replicated in companies in other regions.

Over 3 years (2023-2025) work will be done to analyze the indications and requirements of the European Union for the implementation of the digital product passport and its adaptation to the territory and the subsequent support and expert assistance to companies for the digital transformation, culminating in a pilot project with the two partner companies of the project.

The partnership is made up of 8 entities, 2 countries, 3 regions, with different and complementary backgrounds, competences, skills and resources among which, in addition to the Research Centers, MIK and ESTIA, are BIDASOA ACTIVA (Local Development Agency. Basque Country), ANTIC (Digital Facilitator. Pyrénées-Atlantiques), CCNA (Navarra), SAKANA (Development Agency. Navarra) as territorial entities, and the companies ALGON, dedicated to the manufacture and marketing of metal structures for furniture and HARIVENASA dedicated to the production and marketing of products derived from oats (flakes, bran, flour...).