Study with state-of-the-art equipment and technologies
Study with state-of-the-art equipment and technologies
Study with state-of-the-art equipment and technologies
For the development of the teaching activity of the Biomedical Engineering course, the Polytechnic School of Mondragon University has a laboratory for the use of students, with the following facilities. The laboratory is divided into three units, as detailed below:
- Biomedical signals and images: It has 10 BIOPAC devices and its corresponding SW for the treatment of biomedical signals, oscilloscopes, function generator, power supplies, 1 patient simulator, 8 12-lead ECG simulators, 12 MyDaq-s, and its corresponding SW (LabView), and 1 Vscan ultrasound system with Dual Probe.
- Implants and medical instruments: It has a CureProDue 3D printer, anatomical models (2 torsos, one eye, one ear, one spine, and one human skeleton), 2 3D scanners (David Laserscanner / Fuel3D), and 1 instrumentation equipped with: knives and scalpels, scissors, dissection and surgical forceps, healing forceps, haemostatic forceps, needles and holders, retractors and separators, tools for laparoscopy and electrosurgery, punching machines, and periotomes.
- Technological equipment: 1 Terranova MRI system and resonance-specific SW, 2 robotic arms, 5 defibrillators, 1 200 Mhz NMR Bruker, 1 Philips echograph, 1 Leubold X-ray machine, 1 Leybold TAC, and the specific SW of the Leybold devices.