What happens after LEINN

Official Degree

Graduate in Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation


240 ECTS

4 years


Campus: Bidasoa, Bilbao, Oñati

Laboratories: Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Malaga; Berlin-Germany; Shanghai-China; Seoul-Corea; Puebla-Mexico, Querétaro-Mexico


Spanish, Basque, English



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What happens after LEINN


What happens after LEINN

Many parents ask us what their child will do after graduating.


What will they be qualified for or what Kind of Role/Responsibilities will they be Qualified For or What Kind of Role/Responsibilities can they have in the Current Labour Market?

LEINN is not an everyday programme. It is not just a degree that prepares you for a specialised, narrowly defined job. LEINN is the starting point of a personal process of self-knowledge, personal challenge and achieving goals. Every day, people who study at LEINN confront their own limitations and challenges to get the best out of themselves.

Experience shows that LEINNer graduates become active as intrapreneurs, developing entrepreneurial and/or innovative projects in an existing company, or as entrepreneurs by creating their own business or company in line with the experimenting they did previously during the degree programme.

Figure: Professional status of LEINNer graduates, September 2016.

The intrapreneurs who come out of LEINN are active in highly diverse sectors and do a wide range of tasks in fields like innovation management, marketing, team development, change management, innovation consulting, communication or designing experiences and services.


Figure: Some companies that host LEINNer graduates, September 2016.


Videos of Graduates

Jon Kareaga

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Nuria Robleño

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On the other hand, the graduates who have chosen an entrepreneurial career are faced with the daily challenge of carrying forward businesses in sectors like innovation consulting, visual communication healthy food innovation or online food delivery.


Figure: Companies (start-ups) created by LEINNers


Start-up companies created