Thesis defense of Ion Lizarraga Lizarraga


Thesis defense of Ion Lizarraga Lizarraga


Thesis defense of Ion Lizarraga Lizarraga

Title of the thesis: "Determinación de las propiedades termofísicas y propiedades de transporte en mezclas binarias líquidas bajo condiciones de alta presión". Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE qualification.



  • Title of the thesis: "Determinación de las propiedades termofísicas y propiedades de transporte en mezclas binarias líquidas bajo condiciones de alta presión".
  • Court:
    • President: Dr. D. Carlos Santamaría Salazar
    • Vocal: Dra. Dª. Valentina Shevtsova
    • Vocal: Dr. D. Henri Bataller
    • Vocal: Dr. D. Aliaksandr Mialdun
    • Secretary: Dr. D. Pedro Urteaga Elkoroiribe


In this doctoral thesis, mass transport phenomena have been analyzed which have become a central aspect to study due to their wide application in different fields.

In order to experimentally determine properties such as density, thermal expansion coefficient, and mass expansion coefficient, a high-pressure density meter has been set-up. A calibration process has been established that relates the period of vibration of the system to the density of the fluid. The calibration parameters vary depending on the fluid being analyzed and the temperature and pressure conditions in which it is studied. The dynamic viscosity under high pressure conditions has been determined through a high pressure viscometer. The values obtained for the thermophysical properties under high pressure conditions have been compared as far as possible, with other published results, thus showing the suitability of the two installations (densimeter and high pressure viscometer).

Through the termogravitational technique used by means of the cylindrical configuration column, the thermodiffusion coefficient has been determined under high pressure conditions. The results obtained have provided the elaboration of quantitative correlations that allow determining the thermodiffusion coefficient of binary mixtures composed of normal alkanes under high pressure conditions.

In collaboration with the Laboratory of Fluides Complexes et leurs Réservoirs of the University of Pau et Pays de lAdour, the optical technique has been used to determine the molecular diffusion coefficient of two binary systems under high pressure conditions. Through the indirect method that consists of combining the results of the thermodiffusion and molecular diffusion coefficients, the effect of pressure on the Soret coefficient in binary mixtures has been analyzed.