Defense of the Thesis of Jokin Bergara Eguren


Defense of the Thesis of Jokin Bergara Eguren


Defense of the Thesis of Jokin Bergara Eguren

Thesis title: Trama kooperatiboa ehuntzen: Arrasateko kooperatibak haustura ekosozioalaren eta subjetibotasun neoliberalaren garaian. azterketa sozio-metabolikoa. Obtained the qualification EXCELLENT CUM LAUDE



On May 17, the doctoral student Jokin Bergara Eguren made the reading of the Doctoral Thesis entitled: Trama kooperatiboa ehuntzen: Arrasateko kooperatibak haustura ekosozioalaren eta subjetibotasun neoliberalaren garaian. azterketa sozio-metabolikoa.

Directors: Dr.  Andoni Eizagirre Eizagirre (MU - HUHEZI) and Dr.  Joseba Azkarraga Etxagibel (EHU/UPV).

Summary of the thesis:

This thesis proposes a sociometabolic reading of Mondragon Cooperatives. The ecological challenge that humanity is facing in the 21st century requires a profound review of the economy and cooperativism. In our view, cooperatives of Mondragon have contributed decisively to the creation of a social economy with a high redistribution of wealth. For this reason, we think that research work on cooperatives from the ecosocial perspective becomes necessary. Our initial objective is to develop critical thinking for various transitions through the analysis of the Mondragon Cooperative Experience.

In the theoretical section, we have developed the bases of the ecosocial perspective that is present throughout the thesis. We collected different theoretical approaches from ecological economics or from the field of social sustainability, trying to rethink cooperativism. Likewise, as we conduct a sociometabolic research we examine the reasons and foundations of that epistemological perspective.

Next, with the aim of analysing and understanding today's cooperative behaviour and its evolution, we have taken several approaches from sociology of work. The way in which current cooperatives are configured is closely linked to the transformation of capitalism and the world of work. Therefore, we explore the concept of biopolitics, the expansion of market societies and their social consequences, as well as contemporary processes of subjectivation.

After completing this path, we have developed the concept of a new ecosocial subjectivity that can create a new type of cooperativism, in accordance with the planet's boundaries and the context of resource scarcity. In order to accomplish that task, we discuss certain psychosocial theories.

Regarding the empirical section, we have divided the analysis into three main parts. Firstly, we have conducted a metabolic analysis of the Mondragón cooperatives to measure the impact of their economic activity. Secondly, we have studied the socioeconomic aspects of cooperatives, analysing their structural challenges and the knots that exist in relation to the ecosocial transition. In the third part, we analyse the discourses and social opinions that exist within cooperatives about sustainability, in order to observe where the issue is located and what its social bases are. Finally, the forms of subjectivity that emerge in cooperatives have been analysed in relation to the ecosocial challenge and structural difficulties that exist between them

To conclude, we assert that the Mondragón cooperatives are confronted with significant social and economic limitations when it comes to dealing with the ecological crisis. Among others, we believe is necessary a profound review of the cooperative identity. In addition, a new understanding of cooperativism is necessary. An interpretation that incorporates the elements required for the ecological crisis. We conclude with the requirement to move to a new space that transcends the cumulative tendency, making possible a cooperativism that moves beyond the fossil economy and takes steps towards socio-ecological sustainability.