Online conference: Data cooperatives
Online conference: Data cooperatives
Online conference: Data cooperatives
The conference will show what data cooperatives are and what they are for
This activity is organized by Enpresagintza Fakultatea, Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, and the Cajasiete Chair of Social and Cooperative Economy of the University of La Laguna within the cycle on innovation in social economy and cooperativism, which was presented in the context of the II University Week of Social Economy.
Dr. Julen Iturbe-Ormaetxe will show what these types of cooperatives are and what they are for in a world where data has become a fundamental raw material. Why data cooperativism can be an alternative to the models that come from the technological giants?
The conference will have an online format. The seminar will be developed through a videoconference in which attendees will be able to ask questions both during its development and during the question and answer session. Afterwards, the materials used will be made available to the attendees and a satisfaction evaluation questionnaire will be sent out.