Projects funded 2015-2016


RENNOVATES project funded


RENNOVATES project funded



RENNOVATES, Flexibility activated zero energy districts project has been funded by the European Comission, within the financial aid call H2020-EBB-08-2015, with the reference 680603.


Web page

General information

  •  Start and end dates: 1 September 2015 - 31 August 2018
  •  Overall budget and EU contribution: € 6.847.730 and € 5.087.237,62
  •  Coordinated by: BAM TECHNIEK BV (Netherlands)


The Ren(n)ovates proposal focuses on the deployment and demonstration of an innovative systemic, 4-step holistic approach comprising state-of-the-art renovation with state-or-the-art smart ICT control. Deep renovation of residential buildings will be carried out including the installation of a standardised pre-fabricated energy module equipped with communication technology converting the buildings into Net Zero Energy Buildings. This can be achieved with minimal disturbance to the tenant and with minimal renovation costs for the tenant/building owner by means of an innovative business model. The inclusion of interoperable smart control strategies introduced at building- , cluster- and business level, implemented on existing software platforms and standard compliant serve to ‘unlock’ the residential energy flexibility for grid and system level services. The project addresses the call for Energy-Efficient Buildings (H2020-EeB-2015), more specifically the topic EeB-08-2015 : Integrated Approach to Retrofitting of Residential Buildings.