MULTIMAT project funded


MULTIMAT project funded


MULTIMAT project funded



MULTIMAT, Uniones avanzadas para las estructuras multimaterial del vehículo del futuro project has been funded by the Economic Development and Infrastructures Depatment of the Basque Government, within the financial aid call ELKARTEK, with the reference KK-2017/00088.


Simulation models are necessary to predict the behaviour of parts in a car impact (how much energy they absorb, how they deform, or whether they will break). To this day, however, we still do not have this type of impact model for the joints of different materials. The general goal of this project is to develop these models. To do this, we have to integrate, in the development of the models, the way in which the joints are produced and maintained in the medium. This is going to be the contribution of the MGEP to the development of the aforementioned models. Frictions that occur in the process of production of the joint condition its survival and constitute, therefore, a phenomenon to be analysed in the laboratory. Needless to say, road salts and cold-hot ambient temperature cycles have an impact on these material joints. In order to advance towards a model of behaviour of electric vehicles in the event of collisions, the MGEP will study in the laboratory the damage caused by the behaviour of the joint against impacts, as well as the influence of its production and time, introducing the data obtained in analytical models.