Projects funded 2021-2022
EUE 2030 project funded
EUE 2030 project funded
The EUE 2030 project, Etorkizuneko Unibertsitate- Enpresa Elkarlana Eraikiz: Desarrollo de una hoja de ruta compartida por la triple hélice guipuzcoana, la agenda EUE 2030, para la definición de una estrategia de cooperación Universidad-Empresa que promueva la calidad del empleo y el ecosistema socioeconómico en Gipuzkoa, has been funded by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa through the Ezagutza program of the Department of Economic Promotion. Reference: EZAGUTZA-25/2021
The project has been funded by the Department of Economic Promotion, Tourism and Rural Environment of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa.
Main objective:
To develop a roadmap shared by the Gipuzkoan Triple Helix, the EUE 2030 agenda, for the definition of a University-Enterprise Cooperation Strategy (CUE) that promotes the quality of employment and the socioeconomic ecosystem of Gipuzkoa.
Specific objectives:
- To jointly identify and define (companies, universities and administration) the current and future (horizon 2030) challenges and scenarios to be addressed by the CUE in terms of (i) future employment and future of employment, (ii) quality of employment, employability and employability, (iii) lifelong learning, (iv) digital, ecological and demographic transformations, and (v) equality between women and men.
- Jointly identify and define (companies, universities and administration) the main milestones to be met and the actions to be carried out in cooperation to respond to the challenges and scenarios identified.
- Jointly identify and define the indicators to be used for monitoring the roadmap, the EUE 2030 Agenda.