Community and Demo Day at the Bilbao Berrikuntza Factory
Community and Demo Day at the Bilbao Berrikuntza Factory
Community and Demo Day at the Bilbao Berrikuntza Factory
Mondragon Team Academy community has celebrated the Community and Demo Day at Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria.
In constant movement. That's how the MTA community, Mondragon Team Academy, always is. Precisely this movement was the protagonist on 8 November at Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria on a day when Demo Day and Community Day coincided. In the first case, LEINNers and team coaches from the 4th year of the Bilbao, Irun, Oñati and Valencia labs participated in the presentation of their entrepreneurial projects. It was wonderful to see several team entrepreneurs sharing knowledge and creating new connections. Eskerrik asko and this is your home.
The main objective of the Community Day was to welcome the new penguins and pandas that are starting their journey in LEINN this year. To do so, several activities were carried out. On the one hand, speed networking in the middle of the “Ria de Bilbao”: who are you? What are your interests? We started to create the first connections! On the other hand, the presentation of the Learning Journey in Berlin of the first teams: Blaze, Khoda and Tabia, eskerrik asko for sharing and to continue with this action here in Bilbao. In addition, in the office decoration competition, the jury, composed of LEINNers, team coaches and a coworker from Market Plaza, Elena Carriedo, did not have an easy choice. Zorionak to Legit for the first prize and to Meraki for their creativity. Last but not least, several artists took to the stage in the Jam session. Eskerrik asko to all of you to add music to the life of the BBF.
Next goal? It would be nice to think about a community day at BBF level. How do you imagine it?
Here you can find some photos of the day: