Spring Karting Championship


Spring Karting Championship

Yesterday we had the spring karting championship in Olaberria.

Spring Karting Championship

A total of 16 students took part and the winner was Jokin Ascaray.



Yesterday the spring karting championship was held in Olaberria in which a total of 16 students took part.

The students were divided into two groups of 8 people and after the warm-up and qualifying race, the 10 fastest students from the two groups took part in the final race.

Ibai Albisu, Jokin Ascaray, Raymond, Joanes Arin, Aitor Leandro, Wouter, Haritz Arburua, Eder Goicolea, Galder Zabala and Ander Calderón qualified for the final and Jokin Ascaray, Eder Goicolea and Joannes Arin completed the podium respectively.

Thanks to all the participants and congratulations to the winner.

Below are photos and videos of the championship:

Udaberriko karting txapelketa

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