Students and alumnae of the Master's Degree in Strategic Design awarded at the LAUS contest


Students and alumnae of the Master's Degree in Strategic Design awarded at the LAUS contest


Students and alumnae of the Master's Degree in Strategic Design awarded at the LAUS contest

The ADG FAD Laus are the most prestigious national design awards of reference. Called since 1964, this year reached its 53rd edition with 1,200 projects submitted.



NAIHA, the healthcare software for managers, professionals, caregivers and families developed by the Basque company Ubikare has been awarded with the Bronze LAUS in the Digital and User Experience category. In this project presented to the contest have participated 3 alumni of the Master in Strategic Design of Mondragon Unibertsitatea who currently work in Ubikare:

  • Maitane García López, head of the Product Design Department (2016 graduating class of the Master in Strategic Design). She's aldo doing her PhD with the collaboration if Diseinu Berrikuntza Zentroa of Mondragon Unibertsitatea.
  • Nerea Dorronsoro Murgiondo product engineer (Class of 2020 Master in Strategic Design)
  • Marta Villar Vidal is a current student of the Master in Strategic Design. 

Both the group of teachers of the master's degree and the students maintain a close relationship with the Ubikare team, since during the course they develop challenges set by the company. Students also have the opportunity to develop the final master's degree project at Ubikare, which makes it easier for them to integrate into the team and become employees when they finish the project.

The Master's Degree in Strategic Design at Mondragon Unibertsitatea provides comprehensive training in design and enables students to think strategically and innovatively. The employment rate of the Master's graduates is 100% and awards such as this one from the LAUS contest are evidence of the quality of the training acquired by the graduates.

Congratulations Maitane, Nerea and Marta!

LAUS Awards

The Laus Awards are the most prestigious national design awards organized by the Association of Art Directors and Graphic Designers of Spain.