The Interuniversity Continuing Education Master’s degree program in Hydrogen Technologies has been launched for the fourth time


The Interuniversity Continuing Education Master’s degree program in Hydrogen Technologies has been launched for the fourth time


The Interuniversity Continuing Education Master’s degree program in Hydrogen Technologies has been launched for the fourth time



A total of 27 students are participating in the program. Each student will complete an End-of-Degree Project (EDP) contributing to innovation in the field of hydrogen; these projects will be presented in June of 2026.

In addition, we would like to highlight the diploma ceremony held on September 20, in which Petronor and Carburos Metálicos recognized the effort and dedication of our graduates. Two prizes were awarded to works carried out by graduating students: the prize for Best EDP was awarded by Carburos Metálicos, and that for Best Dossier by the Basque Hydrogen Corridor.

The program is aimed at professionals interested in receiving training in hydrogen technologies and their applications, such as project managers and technicians from companies that are introducing or intend to introduce hydrogen technologies into their products or services, professionals from the industrial or technological sector who are interested in the potential of this new vector, and supplier companies in the energy sector that wish to train their technicians for the new sustainability challenges of the future.

This Master’s degree program is supported and coordinated by 5 state universities: Mondragon University, which leads the program, the University of the Basque Country, the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Rovira i Virgili University, and the University of Zaragoza. It also enjoys the participation of 6 training and research centers: the Somorrostro Professional Training Center, the Comte de Rius Institute of Tarragona, the Escola del Treball Institute of Barcelona, the Pirámide Public Center for Professional Training, the EOI Business School, and the Aragon Hydrogen Foundation. The program is further supported by Repsol-Petronor.