10. anniversary MTA
10. anniversary MTA
10. anniversary MTA
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Mondragon Team Academy (MTA), we invite you to "TeamTalks", the conference on entrepreneurship within organizations and companies as a generator of change.
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Mondragon Team Academy (MTA), we invite you to "TeamTalks", the conference on entrepreneurship within organizations and companies as a generator of change. A learning space, where you will be able to know about their approaches and the problems they have addressed.
The event will take place on Thursday, May 24th at the Azkuna Zentroa Auditorium, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.
We have invited a team of people of reference of the sector of corporations, social innovation, digital manufacturing and blockchain, to share their experiences and visions of the future. Among other people, we have:
- David Cuartielles, co-founder of Arduino and Ashoka Fellow
- Antonio Cancelo, founder of Eroski and former president of MCC
- Jokin Lopetegi, Director of Corporate Development at CAF
- Josetxo de Frutos, Promotion Director at ULMA Group
- Xavier Creus, founder of Ideas for Change
- Oscar Lage, leader of blockchain at TECNALIA
- Adur Letamendia, communication director at Pukas Surf
The event will be presented by Antonella Broglia, ambassador of ASHOKA Spain and Joanes Røsø, CEO of TAZEBAEZ Koop. The topic of this TEAMTALK is RE: INNVENT, where we will know how these disruptors have led disruptive innovation processes to transform their industry.
To register or receive more information visit www.theteamtalks.com