“Artisan Lives”, social inclusion through entrepreneurship in handicrafts


“Artisan Lives”, social inclusion through entrepreneurship in handicrafts


“Artisan Lives”, social inclusion through entrepreneurship in handicrafts

This project has been developed for a year thanks to the Koine-Aequalitas Foundation and MTA (Mondragon Team Academy) and funding from the Innova Program and the Government of Navarra



The documentary “Vidas artesanas” (Artisan Lives) has been premiered in Pamplona and its production has been extended for more than a year, the same time that 18 people at risk of social exclusion have been training in entrepreneurship and craftsmanship techniques applied to costume jewelry. The protagonists of this documentary are precisely the people at risk of exclusion who have been studying for a year the Inclusive Crafts School program, in addition to the teachers who have accompanied them. This documentary puts the finishing touch to this pilot project developed in Navarra by Fundación Koine-Aequalitas together with MTA (Mondragon Team Academy) and made possible thanks to funding from the Innova Program and the Government of Navarra.

The documentary shows the great transforming power of art for people, and its protagonists have seen how during this year they have opened the doors to a future career focused on the production and sale of costume jewelry, an artisan trade with little generational replacement in these times.

“Artisan Lives” has been presented during the closing event of the Inclusive Crafts project, this Monday, April 29th at the Civican cultural center. During this day, in addition to viewing the documentary, attendees had the opportunity to listen to Inés Jiménez Muro, General Director of Social Protection and Development Cooperation of the Government of Navarra, Javier Fernández, General Director of Fundación Caja Navarra and Izaskun Azcona, from Fundación la Caixa, MªJosé Beriain, President of Fundación Koine-Aequalitas and Aitor Lizartza, Coordinator of Entrepreneurship-MTA in the Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Afterwards, and to end the day, diplomas were awarded to the students participating in this project, who thus completed their training in entrepreneurship and craft jewelry techniques.