‘Organize locally to respond globally’ lelopean, abenduaren 9an eta 10ean, Univercity-ren bigarren nazioarteko jardunaldia egingo dugu Bilbon
‘Organize locally to respond globally’ lelopean, abenduaren 9an eta 10ean, Univercity-ren bigarren nazioarteko jardunaldia egingo dugu Bilbon
‘Organize locally to respond globally’ lelopean, abenduaren 9an eta 10ean, Univercity-ren bigarren nazioarteko jardunaldia egingo dugu Bilbon
Jardunaldia parte hartuko du, beste batzuen artean, Otto Scharmer U teoriaren sortzaileak. Bilbao AS Fabrik-en egingo da jardunaldia.
Abenduaren 9an eta 10ean, Univercity jardunaldiaren bigarren edizioa egingo dugu Bilbao AS Fabrik-en. Humanitate Digitalak Globalak (HDG) gradutik antolatutako jardunaldia, Organize locally to respond globally lelopean egingo da eta nazioarteko beste punta-puntako beeste ordezkarien artean egon da Otto Scharmer U teoriaren sortzailea. Otto Scharmer-en hitzaldia online eskainiko da: eman izena, hemen.
Hirien zentraltasunak eta urbanizazio gero eta handiagoak markatutako mundu honetan, UniverCity mintegiak plaza eskaini nahi du unibertsitateek beren inguruarekin duten harremanari buruz hausnartzeko. UniverCity hirien hezkuntza-potentziala aztertzeko ekimen gisa sortu da, akademiaren, gizarte-eragileen eta botere publikoen arteko konplizitateak ehuntzeko eta gizarte-berrikuntzako bideak aztertzeko. Horretarako, lehen ediziotik tokiko eta nazioarteko parte-hartzea izan du.
UniverCityren bigarren edizioa COVID pandemiarekin bat egin duten gainjarritako hainbat krisik markatu dute: klima-aldaketak, migrazioek, merkataritza globalaren krisiak, emakumeen aurkako indarkeriak eta homofobiaren agerraldi gero eta handiagoek, arraza-tentsioek, demokraziaren ahultasunak eta larrialdi humanitarioek asaldatu egin dute gure gizartea. UniverCity nazioarteko mintegiaren bigarren edizio honek horren guztiaren inguruan hausnartu nahi du Organize Locally to Respond Globally lelopean. Horretarako, tokiko eta nazioarteko zazpi erakundetako ordezkariak izango ditu (besteak beste, Otto Scharmer, U Teoriaren sortzailea eta MITeko Presencing Instituteko zuzendaria), gizarte-aldaketari ikuspegi sistemiko batetik heltzen diotenak. Mintegiak elkarrizketa bat sortu nahi du krisi globalean eragiteko tokian tokikotik abiatzen diren alternatibei buruz. Mintegian, Mondragon Unibertsitateko Humanitate Digital Globaletako graduko ikasleen, Bilboko AS Fabrik hiri-laborategiko ordezkarien eta gonbidatutako adituen artean funtsezko ideiak trukatuko dira.
Abenduak 9
- 9.00-9.20: Registration
- 9.20-9.30: UniverCity Team: Welcome
- 9.30-10.00: Igor Calzada (Wiserd) – Citizenship: Local and/or Global?
- 10.00-10.30: Mille Bojer (Reos Partners) – What Type of Future Do We Want?
- 10.30-11.00: Coffee break
- 11.00-11.30: Auxkin Galarraga (Eusko Ikaskuntza) – Steps from SocialLAB to Society (online)
- 11.30-12.00: Sharam Yalda (Human Nation) – Systemic Change, Why and What for?
- 12.00-12.30: Gorka Espiau (Agirre Lehendakari Center) – Large Scale Transformations: New Ways of Tackling the Challenges of the 21st Century.
- 12.30-13.00: Luis Berasategi (Mondragon University – HiriLab) – It´s All about Ecosystems
- 13.00-14.30: Lunch Break
- 14.30-15.00: Naiara Goia (Arantzazulab) – What Is Up? Innovative Approaches to Respond to Current Social Challenges (from Social Innovation and New Governance Models) (online)
- 15.00-15.30: Lorea Agirre (Jakin) – Situated Knowledges: A Key to Think and to Act
- 15.30-16.00: Group: organization and space allocation
Abenduak 10
- 9.00-10.30: Workshop I: Student group + 1 speaker: “How can we act locally to respond globally?”
- 10.30-11.00: Coffee Break
- 11.00-12.00: Workshop II: Students work on their presentations
- 12.00-13.30: Lunch Break
- 13.30-15.15: Workshop III: Students give their presentations
- 15.30-16.15: Otto Scharmer (Presencing Institute) – Theory U: Emerging Futures (online: izen-ematea)
- 16.15-16.30: Concluding remarks (AUDITORIUM)
- Otto Scharmer (Presencing Institute.) Senior Lecturer in the MIT Management Sloan School. Co-founder of the Presencing Institute. He chairs the MIT Ideas program.
- Mille Bojer (Reos Partners). BA in Political Science (focused on international development), Cornell University MA in Political Science, University of Copenhagen. Director of Reos Partners’ office in Geneva.
- Igor Calzada (Cardiff University, WISERD), PhD and MBA. Senior Researcher since 2021 at Cardiff University, WISERD; since 2012, University of Oxford, Future of Cities and Urban Transformations ESRC Programmes; he currently serves as Senior Advisor for UN-Habitat, People-Centered Smart Cities flagship programme and as scientific adviser of the Basque Government. He served as Senior Scientist at the European Commission's Joint Research Centre in Italy, Centre for Advanced Studies and Digital Economy Unit (DigiTranScope and AI Watch). His recent book entitled 'Smart City Citizenship' has been published by Elsevier. For a decade, he worked in Mondragon group and was director in the Basque Government and Fellow at Ikerbasque.
- Gorka Espiau (Agirre Lehendakaria Center). Director of the "Agirre Lehendakaria Center for Social and Political Studies". Espiau is also a Senior Fellow of the Michael Young Foundation, a founding partner of the Koop Social Innovation Laboratory (SILK) and scientific director of the Work4Progress initiative, promoted by the La Caixa Foundation. He had previously served as an advisor to the Presidency of the Basque Government.
- Naiara Goia (Arantzazulab). Director of the Arantzazulab Social Innovation Laboratory. Expert in innovation and coordination of international strategic projects, she has a degree in Telecommunications Engineering. She has spent the last years in the Mondragon Corporation, leading initiatives to promote innovation in the cooperatives and promoting business transformation strategies.
- Sharam Yalda (Human Nation) works Regenerative Innovation, Design & Strategies for Business and Leadership: Humanity, Circularity, Decarbonization, Technology-4-good. Founder and CEO of HumanNation.
- Auxkin Galarraga (Eusko Ikaskuntza-Basque Studies Society). Doctor in Sociology from the UPV / EHU. He is currently a professor in the Department of Sociology and Social Work at the UPV / EHU. He is a member of InnoLab, a high performance research group part of the Basque university system on Innovation, Change and Complexity. He has participated in projects on social change, social innovation and socio-productive systems. He is Scientific Director of GizarteLAB (Eusko Ikaskuntza-Basque Studies Society).
- Luis Berasategi (Mondragon University). Industrial Engineer (UPV-EHU). Researcher and project manager in the Strategic Innovation Area (Ikerlan). Senior researcher in the area of Advanced Strategies and coordinator of Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria (BBF): the urban ecosystem of learning, innovation, and entrepreneurship in Bilbao. Currently, the coordinator of the Bilbao AS Fabrik (BAF) Urban Laboratories: the new ecosystem in Zorrotzaurre.
- Lorea Agirre (Jakin). PhD in Information Science and Anthropology (UPV-EHU). Writer, journalist, and researcher on minorized languages, culture, and gender. Currently the director and manager at Jakin Fundazioa.
Informazio guztia:
- Univercity 2: https://univercity.mondragon.edu/es/inicio