Concesión del proyecto QU4LITY


Concesión del proyecto QU4LITY


Concesión del proyecto QU4LITY



El proyecto QU4LITY, Digital Reality in Zero Defect Manufacturing, ha sido financiado por la Comisión Europea, dentro del programa "H2020-DT-2018-2020", con la referencia 825030.


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Información general

  •  Fechas de inicio y fin: 1 de enero de 2019 - 1 de abril del 2022
  •  Duración del proyecto: 39 meses
  •  Presupuesto total del proyecto y subvención concedida por la UE: 19.520.535,28 € y 15.998.180,54 €
  •  Empresa que coordina el proyecto: ATOS SPAIN S.A.


Qu4lity is the biggest European project dedicated to Autonomous Qu4lity (AQ) and Zero Defect Manufacturing (ZDM) in the Industry 4.0.

Qu4lity will demonstrate, in a realistic, measurable and replicable way an open, certifiable and highly standardised, SME-friendly and transformative shared data-driven ZDM product and service model for Factory 4.0 through 14 pilot lines.

Qu4lity will also demonstrate how European industry can build unique and highly tailored ZDM strategies and competitive advantages through an orchestrated open platform ecosystem, ZDM atomized components and digital enablers across all phases of product and process lifecycle. The main goal is to build an autonomous quality model to meet the Industry 4.0 ZDM challenges.


Qu4lity will realise a radical shift from state of the art production quality methods to the disruptive Autonomous Quality (AQ) concept, through enabling manufacturers and solution providers (including SMEs) to develop, validate, deploy and adopt innovative Cognitive Manufacturing solutions for ZDM.

  • Specification of concept & reference architecture for Autonomous Quality and Cognitive Manufacturing for ZDM
  • Integration and interoperability of digital automation technologies towards trustworthy digital continuity
  • ZDM equipment platforms enhancement, integration and customization
  • Open, composable, standards-based implementation of cognitive manufacturing processes and solutions for AQ
  • Lighthouse large scale pilots and demonstrations
  • Establishment of ZDM experimental facilities – Certification of AQ solutions testbeds
  • Virtualized innovation hub & multisided market platform for Autonomous Quality
  • Community building and engagement of SMEs