Open Access Institutional Policy from Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa
Open Access Institutional Policy for scientific documents and academic material from Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa
- Context
- Objetive
- Policy
- Responsabilities of MGEP in the implementation of this policy
- Customer service and contact point
1. Context
Open Access promotes the permanent, free and unrestricted access to scientific and academic information. The Open Access institutional policies are meant to favour the accessibility, visibility and impact of the scientific and scholarly content.
There is a social commitment, endorsed by declarations and agreements at international level, which supports Open Access:
- Budapest Declaration(2002): Budapest Open Access Initiative
- Bethesda Statement (06/2003): Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing
- Berlin Declaration (10/2003): Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities
- European Research Council (ERC) (2008): guidelines for open access in which all peer-reviewed publications of ERC-financed projects are required to be deposited in a repository and to be available in open access within a maximum period of 6 months: ERC Scientific Council Guidelines for Open Access
- European University Association (EUA) (2008): Recommendations from the EUA Working Group on Open Access
- Horizonte 2020: states that Open Access is mandatory for all scientific publications resulting from projects financed by Horizon 2020. Article 29.2 of the Grant Agreement
There is also a national legal framework that supports and promotes Open Access:
- Law 14/2011, of 1 June, on Science, Technology and Innovation (BOE 2 June 2011). Article 37
- Royal Decree 99/2011, of 28 January, that regulates official doctorate teaching (BOE 10 February 2011). Art 14
Due to the implications regarding publication in Open Access, it is essential that all authors know and comply with the regulations concerning copyright/intellectual property.
2. Objetive
The purpose of this Policy is to promote Open Access to Science, drawing up guidelines and recommendations for publishing materials open access, as well as the results of the research and teaching activity of the members of the MGEP (Engineering School of Mondragón University).
3. Policy
Taking the international context and national legislation into account, Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, hereinafter MGEP, agrees to initiate an international Open Access policy in the following terms:
- All people carrying out their activities in MGEP agree not to violate any rights of third parties, whether intellectual or industrial, or the right to honour, the right to privacy and image rights, or any other right.
- The digital deposit shall imply the transfer from the author to MGEP, on a non-exclusive basis, of the exploitation of the intelectual property rights of the works necessary for this purpose. The moral rights to any works belong to the author as they are indisputable and inalienable.
- With the aim of facilitating the deposit of the documents into the open repository of the MGEP Library, the manager of the institutional repository, will be responsible for the mediated archiving of documents.
- When the deposited material is open to commercial exploitation or is subject to agreement with companies or similar, the Library, as manager of the Repository, shall always take into account the conditions laid down with the latter regarding the archiving of documents in the open repository (versions, embargo deadlines, confidentiality etc.) and shall guarantee the terms of the agreements.
- The academic and research staff (PDI) and doctorate students of MGEP shall send, to the library responsible for the mediated archiving of the documents, the final copy of the research documents for inclusion in eBiltegia.
- They shall be deposited in eBiltegia, by mediated archiving, providing that the editorial policies allow it and that the authors have provided the Library with the final document and do not explicitly state their disagreement:
- Published articles, from the year 2011, by the research and/or teaching community at MGEP.
- The documents published and/or presented in Congresses, Symposiums and Conferences indexed on the Web of Science, Scopus or SCIE, between 2011-2018.
- The documents published and/or presented in Congresses, Symposiums and Conferences from the year 2019.
The Library, managing the Institutional repository, shall send an email to the first author of MGEP who signs the document whenever it is deposited in the repository. The email will inform them of the document's publication in Ebitegia and the licence for the use and assignment of rights will be attached.
- All those theses since 2011 not subject to confidentiality and presented to MGEP, as well as theses from those persons of the group who expressly request it, shall be deposited in Ebiltegia by mediated archiving.
- Bachelor’s Degree Thesis and Master’s Degree Thesis shall be deposited by mediated archiving in Ebligegia, provided they are not subject to confidentiality, are authorised by the author and comply with the requirements set by the institution for deposit.
- MGEP recommends that the scientific and academic community publish its work in high impact scientific publications and, if possible, in open access or in journals that allow a copy to be deposited, without an embargo period, into open repositories. It also recommends avoiding the payment of publication charges.
- MGEP recommends its scientific and teaching community to authorise the deposit in the institutional repository of those documents resulting from its academic activity that are published at the University’s Publishing Service.
- MGEP encourages the teaching staff to deposit educational and teaching resources created in-house into the institutional repository or into other projects of open dissemination that may be developed.
- All documents and materials proposed by the institution or by the people of MGEP shall be deposited into eBiltegia, by mediated archiving.
4. Responsabilities of MGEP in the implementation of this policy
MGEP undertakes to the following:
- To ensure respect for the copyright, intellectual property, confidentiality and agreements with third parties.
- To follow the standards and international criteria in the preparation and development of the repository.
- To preserve and maintain perpetual access to the publications deposited into the institutional repository.
- To ensure the integrity of the data entered.
- To provide a permanent URL for the published documents.
MGEP shall adopt the measures and procedures that it considers appropriate for the implementation of this policy from its approval.
5. Customer service and contact point
The Library Service, as the body responsible for the repository and the delegated archive for the documents, shall provide support to the MGEP group for the implementation of the open access policy of the institution through:
- Specific information to open access via:
- Library Website: Open Science and Open Access
- Institutional repository of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, eBiltegia
- Usual points of contact with the library