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Mondragon Unibertsitatea is the leading university in Spain in terms of employability with 86.9%, according to U-Ranking

Ranking Mondragon Unibertsitatea is the leading university in Spain in terms of employability with 86.9%, according to U-Ranking 2024·05·29

The study analyses 70 public and private institutions and 101 fields of study.

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Gipuzkoa Chamber of Commerce and Mondragon Unibertsitatea close the XIV edition of the MBA Executive

MBA Executive Gipuzkoa Chamber of Commerce and Mondragon Unibertsitatea close the XIV edition of the MBA Executive 2024·05·24

Throughout 15 years, more than 250 people have passed through the classrooms of this MBA

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea and the Mondragon Corporation awarded prizes for end-of-degree projects carried out in the Basque language

Awards Mondragon Unibertsitatea and the Mondragon Corporation awarded prizes for end-of-degree projects carried out in the Basque language 2024·05·22

Ainhoa Mugertza Iguaran and Elene Gisasola Sagardui with their projects for IKERLAN and DANOBAT have been the winners respectively.

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Alumni reunion of the 4th graduating class of the bachelor's degree program in Humanities and Business on the Eskoriatza campus

Alumni reunion Alumni reunion of the 4th graduating class of the bachelor's degree program in Humanities and Business on the Eskoriatza campus 2024·05·20

Reunion participants completed their studies 20 years ago.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea in the top ten of the best performing universities in the fields of Knowledge Transfer and Teaching and Learning

Ranking Mondragon Unibertsitatea in the top ten of the best performing universities in the fields of Knowledge Transfer and Teaching and Learning 2024·05·17

In addition, it highlights its practical teaching method, its roots in local companies and the mobility of its students.

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Statement by Mondragon Unibertsitatea on the humanitarian massacre in the Gaza Strip

Statement Statement by Mondragon Unibertsitatea on the humanitarian massacre in the Gaza Strip 2024·05·03

The Executive Board of Mondragon Unibertsitatea communicates its deep sense of indignation and repulsion at the escalation of violence perpetrated by Israel in the Gaza Strip.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea e IFE Europe del TEC de Monterrey presentan el informe ‘Educación Digital en las universidades: una guía de implementación integral’

Presentación informe IFE Mondragon Unibertsitatea e IFE Europe del TEC de Monterrey presentan el informe ‘Educación Digital en las universidades: una guía de implementación integral’ 2024·05·02

Mondragon Unibertsitatea e IFE Europe del TEC de Monterrey presentan el informe ‘Educación Digital en las universidades: una guía de implementación integral’

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Xabier Egibar appointed new president of Mondragon Unibertsitatea

Appointment Xabier Egibar appointed new president of Mondragon Unibertsitatea 2024·04·25

The appointment was unanimously approved by the Mondragon Unibertsitatea Governing Council held today, 25 April 2024.

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International students visit Mondragon to find out about the Mondragon Cooperative Experience

Cooperativism International students visit Mondragon to find out about the Mondragon Cooperative Experience 2024·04·24

Students from the Master's Degree in Cooperative Enterprise and Social Business Management have spent a week at Mondragon Unibertsitatea together with several participants from the first edition of the course Keys to the Mondragon Cooperative Experience

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea ofrecerá un curso para facilitar el cambio en las instituciones educativas

Formación para profesionales Mondragon Unibertsitatea ofrecerá un curso para facilitar el cambio en las instituciones educativas 2024·04·10

El curso se prolongará de mayo a julio y tendrá una duración de 150 horas. Se ofrecerá en modalidad híbrida, con sesiones online y dos workshops presenciales.

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Abierta la inscripción a los encuentros de KoLaborategia 2024

Jornadas Abierta la inscripción a los encuentros de KoLaborategia 2024 2024·03·20

Abordarán temas como la Inteligencia Artificial, la digitalización, temas de STEM y la relación entre los menores y las pantallas durante los meses de abril y mayo. Todas las sesiones serán abiertas.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea impartirá de abril a mayo un Curso de Especialización en innovación en procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje

Formación para profesionales Mondragon Unibertsitatea impartirá de abril a mayo un Curso de Especialización en innovación en procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje 2024·03·04

El curso tendrá duración de 130 horas y se ofrecerá en la modalidad híbrida: sesiones online + tres workshop presenciales en Bilbao.

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Third edition of the Alumni Mondragon Unibertsitatea Conference Cycle

Conferences Third edition of the Alumni Mondragon Unibertsitatea Conference Cycle 2024·02·21

The series of cenferences will be held on 5,6 and 7 March and will be broadcast online

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Mondragon University hosts the presentation of Xabier Retegi’s new book, ‘Horizontes de esperanza’ (‘Horizons of hope’)

Presentation Mondragon University hosts the presentation of Xabier Retegi’s new book, ‘Horizontes de esperanza’ (‘Horizons of hope’) 2024·02·16

Xabier Retegi was joined by Nagore Ipiña, Dean of the Faculty, and Ainara Udaondo, Director of the LANKI Institute of Cooperative Research, who conducted the interview.

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“Industria adimenduna: teknologian oinarritutako erabakiak hartzea” ikastaro exekutiboa apiriletik ekainera izango da

IKASTAROA “Industria adimenduna: teknologian oinarritutako erabakiak hartzea” ikastaro exekutiboa apiriletik ekainera izango da 2024·02·16

40 urteko ikastaro hau euskal enpresetako profesionalei dago zuzenduta eta 4gunek ipini du martxan hainbat euskal unibertsitate eta zentro teknologikorekin elkarlanean.

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will hold three seminars with the aim of reflecting on contemporary challenges from the perspective of the humanities

Open seminars The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will hold three seminars with the aim of reflecting on contemporary challenges from the perspective of the humanities 2024·02·07

The seminars will be held at Bilbao AS Fabrik on February 7, March 20 and April 17, 2024.

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The advantages of co-teaching based on experiences in schools are discussed on the Eskoriatza campus

Conference on co-teaching The advantages of co-teaching based on experiences in schools are discussed on the Eskoriatza campus 2024·01·26

Researchers from the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University, Professor Ana Hernández from Madrid, and representatives from four schools in the Basque Country participated in the conference.

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Ana Zubiaurre and Mónica Gago participated in the meeting that the EU4DUAL Alliance held in Budapest.

EU4DUAL Ana Zubiaurre and Mónica Gago participated in the meeting that the EU4DUAL Alliance held in Budapest. 2024·01·22

The aim of the meeting was to define different strategies to engage with different stakeholders.

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Mondragon University teaches the Expert Course on Entrepreneurship and Audiovisual Innovation for the second time

Expert Course Mondragon University teaches the Expert Course on Entrepreneurship and Audiovisual Innovation for the second time 2024·01·18

The degree, which is offered by the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University, has the support of the Department of Industry and Ecological and Digital Transition of the Government of Navarre, and will be offered in a hybrid format starting in January.

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Expert diploma in Color Management in collaboration with ESCAC, Higher School of Cinema and Audiovisuals of Catalonia

Course for professionals Expert diploma in Color Management in collaboration with ESCAC, Higher School of Cinema and Audiovisuals of Catalonia 2024·01·17

The course will begin on March 5, 2024, will be free of charge and is aimed at professionals working in the audiovisual sector, people interested in specializing in color management, and students in Audiovisual Communication.

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Conference to share co-teaching experiences on January 26 on the Eskoriatza campus

Conference on co-teaching Conference to share co-teaching experiences on January 26 on the Eskoriatza campus 2024·01·10

Researchers from the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University, professor Ana Hernández from Madrid, and representatives from four schools in the Basque Country will participate in the conference.

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Mondragon University organizes the international UniverCity seminar to discuss sustainable urban transitions

Conference Mondragon University organizes the international UniverCity seminar to discuss sustainable urban transitions 2023·12·15

The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences organized the third annual UniverCity seminar, an international seminar that aims to demonstrate the role of research and education in achieving a democratic and sustainable urban transition.

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Webinar sobre las claves en la preparación del examen del PMP®

WEBINAR Webinar sobre las claves en la preparación del examen del PMP® 2023·12·12

¿Quieres conocer las claves para preparar el examen PMP?

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A new short specialization course on Facilitation of Work Groups will be offered beginning in January of 2024

Course A new short specialization course on Facilitation of Work Groups will be offered beginning in January of 2024 2023·11·20

The one-month course is aimed at technical staff and personnel responsible for learning and knowledge management processes in education, business and third sector organizations; cultural agents and social educators in charge of activating team processes; and professionals from any discipline in charge of leading work teams.

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Maddi Zuloaga recognised as the best speaker in the 10th university debate league in the Basque language

X. University Debate League in Euskera (Basque) Maddi Zuloaga recognised as the best speaker in the 10th university debate league in the Basque language 2023·11·14

The Mondragon Unibertsitatea team was made up by Maddi Zuloaga, Unai López, Unax Martínez, Malen González and Naroa Alijostes.

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The 'BizHitzak' project replaces literary meetings at the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences

Literary Meetings The 'BizHitzak' project replaces literary meetings at the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences 2023·11·09

From November 14 to December 20, the Eskoriatza campus will host an exhibition entitled "TRAdICIONES" by Onintza Etxebeste Liras. To mark the occasion of the exhibition, there will be poetic, literary and musical performances on November 14.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea among the 10 universities in Spain with the highest employment rate

Ranking Mondragon Unibertsitatea among the 10 universities in Spain with the highest employment rate 2023·11·08

Forbes magazine, which has published this list, highlights the practical approach of Mondragon Unibertsitatea's training model and its alignment with the labour market and its needs.

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Second annual conference on ‘Basque and interculturality in educational communities’ on the Eskoriatza campus

Conference Second annual conference on ‘Basque and interculturality in educational communities’ on the Eskoriatza campus 2023·11·07

The conference, which will be held on December 1, will address the contributions made by the experiences that have taken place in the last two academic years in the educational communities of different UEMA municipalities.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea organiza unos talleres prácticos de Matlab y Simulink en colaboración con Speedgoat y Mathworks

TALLERES Mondragon Unibertsitatea organiza unos talleres prácticos de Matlab y Simulink en colaboración con Speedgoat y Mathworks 2023·11·03

Los talleres de 4 horas están dirigidos a ingenieros e ingenieras que trabajen con estas herramientas y quieran profundizar y aprender nuevas utilidades.

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Course to learn how to communicate the value proposition of schools

Course Course to learn how to communicate the value proposition of schools 2023·10·31

The 12-hour course, which will take place on December 14 and 15, 2023, is aimed at communication managers and members of school management teams.

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